5 Things That Make You Not Want To Hire This Firm For Your Connecticut Personal Injury Case

Connecticut Criminal Defense Lawyer? Don’t Judge.
February 20, 2020
Personal Injury Litigation: “You Can Do Better”
February 20, 2020
By Matthew Maddox / February 20, 2020

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, this piece is going to make some people decide to not call our Firm for assistance. That’s because the advice that I’m giving here is based upon the fact that we choose the people we represent and the cases that we pursue for them.

We don’t practice “door law”; that’s the type of practice that takes on anybody who comes to the door.

When it comes to personal injury, what that means is that we only represent people who are seriously injured.

“Seriously injured” means that your injuries are affecting almost everything about your life: your work, your activities at home, your routines, how you relate to your loved ones, your children and life in general.

In other words, you’ve been in an accident that was serious enough to diminish your quality of life in every category.

If your accident and injuries don’t meet the above standards, consider yourself very fortunate. Then think long and hard about whether a lawsuit is warranted and is going to really be worth your while.

But, if you’ve been seriously injured in an auto accident or other type of incident caused by the negligent, reckless or intentional conduct of another person or company, read on.


#1 When people are seriously injured, they see a doctor immediately. That may be an emergency room at a local hospital, urgent care, or primary care physician. After the emergency room, seriously injured individuals follow up with their general practitioner and they continue seeking treatment in order to get better, not get money.

#2 One of the interesting things about #1 is that inevitably, when the seriously injured go through what reasonable people, (read “jurors”), would expect them to go through for their healthcare, that clinical history translates directly into higher settlements and jury verdicts.

#3 Don’t expect that your serious Connecticut personal injury case is going to settle quickly. Our experience at The Maddox Law Firm, LLC is that in order to win the highest possible settlement for our clients, we very often have to file suit within only a few months of our client’s accident. That’s because we know from experience and specifically our trial experience, that insurers frequently don’t offer a fair and reasonable settlement until the threat of a jury trial is just around the bend.

#4 Because it can take a lot of fighting by your law firm and quite some time to reach a conclusion that you and your family actually deserve, you will probably forget about a lot of what has happened to you as a result of your accident. That’s why it’s a very good idea to keep a regular journal that details such things as your daily symptoms, your healthcare appointments and how your life is being affected by your accident-related injuries.

#5 If you’re seriously injured as I defined “seriously injured” above, don’t double-victimize yourself. That means don’t fall victim to the very backward myth promulgated by people who’ve never been seriously injured and by insurance companies that lawsuits are somehow not what decent, good people do. Decent, good, hard-working people are too often seriously injured in accidents through no fault of their own. That’s why we advocate and protect the seriously injured.

For centuries upon centuries, cultures, religions and legal systems have recognized the rights of individuals to be fairly compensated for their losses caused by the negligent, reckless or intentional conduct of another party. Get this straight in your head.

The Maddox Law Firm, LLC’s attorneys and professional support staff have been representing the seriously injured in Connecticut since 1991. We combine diligence, compassion for our clients, and relentless advocacy as our standards for representation. If you’ve been seriously injured in a Connecticut auto accident or other Connecticut accident, call our Firm at [nap_phone id=”LOCAL-CT-NUMBER-3″].