Identity Theft
Count On Us For Sophisticated, Strategic Defense Against Identity Theft Charges
Connecticut identity theft accusations can be very complex. They involve paper and electronic data, financial, credit and banking records. They often encompass accusations of credit card misuse and fraud, as well as the alleged involvement of multiple defendants, security camera video, and the seizure of smartphones and computers. The amount and variety of evidence demand the advocacy of a sophisticated and highly experienced legal team.
Identity theft prosecution is a subject where the law enforcement culture behind the matter must be addressed. We also use the term “culture” when managing and defending domestic violence and gun charges. Regardless of the strength or weakness of the identity theft case against you, you and your law firm must understand the law enforcement mentality and culture to defend your case effectively.
Police and prosecutors in Connecticut are infuriated by identity theft because of the permanent damage that actual identity theft can cause, ranging from financial loss to professional, personal, and reputational damage. Finding employment and obtaining housing, insurance, and mortgages can be challenging for authentic victims.
Despite and because of this culture, you must join forces with a committed identity theft law firm with computer, forensic, and legal experience to clear away assumptions and innuendos and get down to the facts. There are many cases where the use of the identity theft “broad brush” results in wrongful or overbroad allegations. Our attorneys at The Maddox Law Firm, LLC, can help you understand the charges against you and formulate the defenses available to fight your Connecticut identity theft charges. We know the stress and extreme worry that these charges can cause you. We are here to protect you and advocate for you.
What Is Connecticut Identity Theft?
Identity theft is a criminal allegation that should not be taken lightly. Please note that using someone else’s personal information without their explicit consent to gain access to money, credit, goods, services, property, or medical information is against the law under Connecticut General Statutes Section 53a-129. Such actions are unacceptable and can lead to serious legal consequences. Therefore, it is crucial to always obtain consent before using someone’s personal information.
That being said, this crime can be overcharged or erroneously charged. Some individuals may falsely accuse their partners of identity theft during a difficult divorce, primarily when personal identifying information is used for household expenses. These allegations can sometimes arise in the ordinary course of business or during business disputes. Sometimes, merely negligent use of information or inadvertent utilization of electronic data can result in charges that are ultimately reduced or dismissed.
Additionally, it is common for people to unknowingly become involved in identity theft schemes when their personal information is taken without consent. In some cases, minor players in these schemes may be held accountable for all the damage and losses, which can pressure them to cooperate with authorities.
Conspiracy charges are also often related to identity theft cases and involve many individuals allegedly working together in specific roles. These circumstances and the many layers of alleged involvement are complicated. They require careful, experienced analysis and strategy.
Three Degrees Of Identity Theft Charges
Connecticut’s identity theft charges are divided into three categories, or degrees. These distinctions mostly revolve around the amount of money allegedly lost and the alleged victim’s age.
First degree – This charge is considered the most severe form of identity theft and is a Class B Felony. This applies if the victim is under the age of 60 and the value of the property obtained exceeds $10,000, or if the victim is 60 years or older and the value of the property acquired exceeds $5,000. The penalties for this crime include up to 20 years in prison, a fine of up to $15,000, and probation.
Second degree – This charge is brought when the property value is between $5,000 and $10,000, and the victim is under 60. However, if the victim is 60 or older, it is still considered second-degree identity theft, no matter the alleged property loss. This crime is a Class C felony, with a prison sentence of up to 10 years, a fine of up to $10,000, and probation.
Third degree – It is illegal to attempt to use someone else’s personal information without their consent, regardless of the value of the goods or services in question. The age of the alleged victim is not a factor in this statute. Identity theft in the third degree is a Class D Felony, punishable by a sentence of up to five years in prison, a maximum $5,000 fine, and probation.
Ways To Protect Your Identity
Under no circumstances should you ever give out personal information in response to unsolicited phone calls or emails, even if they claim to be from a bank, friend, or family member. If you receive an email, always verify the email’s legitimacy or call by contacting the source directly before providing any information. Do not trust phone numbers received through unsolicited emails or calls. Instead, independently verify the appropriate numbers.
You should closely monitor your credit report. The three primary credit reporting agencies are legally obligated to annually provide you with a free copy of your credit report. It is highly recommended that you regularly request your information from these agencies to detect unauthorized credit card applications or loans taken out under your name.
Exercise great caution when you share personally identifying information online. Only do so if you have a valid reason and can trust that the website is secure. When making credit card purchases, you must verify the seller’s identity, physical address, and phone number to avoid any issues with the transaction. Look for safety symbols on the website and investigate any complaints against the seller.
Your Defense Is Only A Phone Call Away
Our team of criminal defense attorneys has decades of combined experience in identity theft defense, making The Maddox Law Firm the easy choice to fight your Connecticut charges. We never hesitate to challenge the prosecution’s plea bargain offers and are always ready to take your case to trial. Our attorneys can file motions to suppress evidence where appropriate to exclude illegally obtained evidence.
We work with you to develop the most effective defense strategy, whether you go to trial or seek the fairest plea bargain. Remember that preparation for trial from the very onset of your representation is not only the sole route to success at trial but also places you in the most advantageous position to resolve your case favorably before trial. With our firm, you will feel confident that your rights are protected. We will fight for you!
To schedule your initial consultation, call us at (203) 822-6610 or submit an online contact form.
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