Five Ways To Shorten Your Time In Court

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By Matthew Maddox / April 10, 2018

Everyone has limitations.

At the Maddox Law Firm, we talk with people who come to us with problems about identifying, managing, and who knows…maybe even removing limitations. The primary reason that we do this is because it’s our mission to help people find durable solutions. We work toward results that allow our people to not need us anymore: to come back to us only with success stories.

The other reason is because a lot of the work that we do is so that judges don’t worry. Because once you’re summoned to court or arrested, whatever limitations you may have are suddenly magnified, scrutinized, talked and hypothesized about by civil servants, prosecutors, clerks and judges.

Courts and judges need to feel that you’re a safe bet. In other words, they want to have some confidence that you’re not going to make the same or similar mistake again. Consequently, a great deal of sentencing has to do with rehabilitation. What procedures, checks and balances need to be put in place in order to rehabilitate you?

At the Maddox Law Firm, we help people begin that process of rehabilitation; sometimes as soon as their very first phone call with our office.

Here are five ways to conduct your own rehabilitation and shorten your trip in court:

The First Way

It is absolutely beyond question that if you’ve been arrested and have been abusing one or more substances, that your substance abuse landed you in court. Make your arrest your “rock bottom”. Immediately schedule a substance abuse evaluation with a qualified clinician and follow whatever directions that are given to you for treatment. Don’t wait for the court to order you into treatment.

The Second Way

Substance abuse almost always is the result of untreated psychological, emotional, neurological or medical problems. It isn’t enough to only seek sobriety through substance abuse counseling. You must undergo the necessary therapy or other clinical treatment in order to identify what drove you to substance abuse.

The Third Way

If your case involves any allegation of financial wrong, begin setting aside money for repayment to the alleged victim. This advice stands regardless of whether you are actually innocent. If your law firm wins your case with an outright dismissal or acquittal after trial, then you will have created a “rainy day” fund. If not, then the money you set aside not only demonstrates sincerity and contrition to the court, but it also assists your law firm and the court in managing the alleged victim’s expectations.

The Fourth Way

In the same spirit as “the third way”, understand that anger, emotion, frustration and unresolved relationship issues frequently land people in court; specifically on the domestic violence docket. Let me let you in on a secret that’s not so secret at all; it doesn’t matter who was right or wrong in relationship disputes of any nature. It didn’t matter when you were in the middle of the dispute and it surely doesn’t matter now that you’re in court. Get yourself into counseling. Identify why you weren’t able to manage the issue, dispute or communication logjam. Acquire the tools so that you can master those situations in the future. Once again, judges want to see that you’ve done some clinically-based soul searching, called out your own handicaps and have learned how to stay out of 911’s way.

The Fifth Way

Giving is living. Volunteer your time at a charitable organization. Volunteering makes you step outside of yourself, consider the needs of others and hopefully see that you’ve got it pretty good. It also makes judges and courts see that you are making amends by helping in your community

You always have a right to trial. You have a constitutional right to put the government to its burden of proof. We’re a trial law firm and we love that work. BUT, if you’re not going to trial, help yourself and your lawyer by following The Five Ways to Shorten Your Time in court.