DCF Investigations

Are You Facing An Investigation By DCF In Connecticut?

If you’re under investigation by Connecticut’s Department of Children and Families (DCF), it can be an intimidating and confusing experience. It is essential to have a criminal defense attorney on your side to explain the process, protect your rights, and steer you through the system to ensure your family’s peace of mind. You can find the help you need by contacting The Maddox Law Firm, LLC Just call (203) 822-6610 to schedule an initial consultation at one of our office locations in Norwalk, Bridgeport, Stamford, and throughout Fairfield County, Connecticut. We also have an office in Hawthorne, New York.

When And Why Reports Are Made To The Department Of Children And Families

The DCF investigations process commences with a referral through phone or written report. If Connecticut police respond to a domestic violence call and children are present, they must inform DCF. If a child describes a potential abuse or neglect to a “mandated reporter,” such as a teacher, therapist, or doctor, they must report it to DCF.

Moreover, DCF has an anonymous hotline for concerned individuals to report potential abuse or neglect. Mandated reporters must report even suspected abuse or neglect of minors. For instance, a bruise on a child received during sports or on the playground could trigger a DCF report if the reporter is suspicious that abuse may be involved.

DCF reports can also originate from children’s imaginations, who may seek attention and tell tall tales to their friends or others. This isn’t to say that children aren’t sometimes neglected or abused. It does mean, however, that a single phone call to DCF by a mandated reporter will initiate the investigation, regardless of the story’s believability.

Mandated reporters must err on the side of caution when making reports, as failure to report can result in criminal or civil penalties against them. Upon receiving a report, DCF will initiate an investigation within a few hours and typically conduct a visit within the following days.

What To Expect From A Department Of Children And Families Investigation

If a DCF investigation is launched, it will lead to an intrusion into every aspect of your, your family’s, and your child’s life. DCF investigations can lead to frequent visits to your home and interviews with your child’s care providers, including teachers, pediatricians, dentists, and mental health providers. Even neighbors and family members will likely be contacted.

Failure to protect your privacy rights can damage your family and reputation and unnecessarily expand the investigation. While DCF investigators may have good intentions, you must meet with an experienced Connecticut DCF investigations lawyer before providing DCF unrestricted access to your child’s caregivers and their educational and health care records.

How Long Is A Department Of Children And Families Investigation?

Upon receiving a report, DCF is expected to complete the investigation within 45 days and come to a conclusion. DCF will then review the results of their investigation and issue a finding as to whether, in their opinion, a child was subjected to abuse or neglect.

Potential Problems From The Start

How DCF investigators handle cases involving families presents two significant issues as soon as you are contacted. First, you have the right to remain silent. You must understand that anything you say can be documented and shared with other parties involved in the case, such as the police, judge, or prosecutor. Second, and hand-in-hand with the first, DCF will ask you to sign documents, ranging from authorizations to service agreements or consequences. Before you sign anything, it is in your best interests to consult with a knowledgeable defense attorney. “Agreements” and “safety plans” can be used against you and your family if you are alleged to be “non-compliant.”

Protect Your Privacy And Your Family – Contact Us Today

Our lawyers at The Maddox Law Firm are ready to assist you as soon as we are hired. Don’t wait for the “dust to settle” or the investigation to “play out.” It is imperative that you have the advice and representation of a highly experienced attorney. To schedule your initial consultation, please call (203) 822-6610 or submit an online contact form.

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What happens during a DCF investigation?
During an investigation, DCF caseworkers may interview the child, parents, and other family members. They may also visit your home, review medical and school records, and speak with other professionals involved in the child’s care.
Do I have to let DCF into my home?
While you can refuse entry, it may lead to adverse conclusions about your situation and court proceedings. If DCF believes immediate danger exists, they can seek a court order to enter your home.
Should I get a lawyer if I’m being investigated by DCF?
Yes, it is advisable to consult with an attorney experienced in handling DCF investigations to protect your rights and navigate the complexities of the process.
What rights do I have during a DCF investigation?
You have the right to know the allegations against you, the right to refuse entry without a court order, the right to consult an attorney, and the right to attend all court hearings related to your case.
Can DCF remove my child from my home?
Yes, if DCF believes that the child is in immediate danger, they can remove the child from your home, but they must seek a court order to do so.
What should I do if I disagree with DCF's findings?
You can request a review or appeal of DCF's findings. Consult with our attorneys to understand your options and ensure your rights are fully represented during the appeal process.
How long does a DCF investigation take?
DCF investigations typically take up to 45 days, but the timeline can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the specific circumstances.
What are the possible outcomes of a DCF investigation?
Outcomes can range from the case being closed with no findings of abuse or neglect to substantiated findings leading to court intervention, required services, or even removal of the child from the home.


Matthew Maddox

Matthew M. Maddox

Attorney & Founder

Debra Ann West

Debra Ann M. West


Carol Dreznick

Carol F. Dreznick


Stephany Eastmond

Stephany Eastmond


James Miron

James R. Miron

Managing Attorney