Does Your Law Firm Overbook?

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By Matthew Maddox / June 6, 2017

You reserved your seat months in advance for a very important trip.  It’s vital that you reach your destination as planned.

You’re at the gate and suddenly YOUR LAW FIRM announces over a public address system that there are too many clients ticketed for the trip.  The firm just can’t deliver the services, the value, the attention and focus that you’ve paid for.  So, the firm is asking for volunteers to relinquish their seats, take a different trip, and get a voucher.

Of course, as bizarre and nightmarish as a law firm announcing that it’s overbooked and will provide vouchers for future representation may be, you’ll never hear such an announcement.

Instead, there will just be the gradual realization that you, the client, File C17-248, are on a plane that your law firm is flying over capacity, the crew is outmatched and you may be flying to a completely different destination than what was on your ticket.

When you call your law firm,

Do they know who you are? 

Do they know your case; your itinerary and planned destination? 

How frequently do you hear from your lawyer? 

And how about this – do you even remember your lawyer’s name?   

It always amazes me when we meet someone who can’t remember the name of a lawyer who represented them in the past.  At The Maddox Law Firm, LLC, we anticipate client need and what is required to deliver the value that is required by our mission,

“Protect, Advocate, Defend” 

many months in advance.

Everyone in our firm knows every client, their agenda and itinerary.

Contact The Maddox Law Firm, LLC, experience the peace of mind that our mission delivers and fly first class.