Legal Rights & Resources for Latin American Survivors of Domestic Violence in Connecticut

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How to Rebuild Your World: A Guide for Latin American Survivors of Domestic Violence

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Imagine a life where you feel safe. Where fear doesn’t control your every move. You deserve that life. If you’re a Latin American survivor of domestic violence in Connecticut, there’s help, hope, and a community ready to support you. In times like these, it’s crucial to understand your rights and know where to turn for help. 

This is a guide that will empower you with knowledge and resources to help you reclaim your safety and your life.

Get the Help You Deserve

No one deserves abuse. Domestic violence shatters lives, regardless of immigration status or cultural background. You may be worried about language barriers, privacy, what your family and friends may say, and maybe deportation.  But here’s the truth: you have rights, and you don’t have to face this alone.

resources for domestic abuse victims


Resources for Domestic Abuse Victims in Connecticut

Connecticut has a network of resources designed specifically for Latin American survivors. Here’s what you can access:

Legal Protections: You have the right to safety, regardless of your immigration status. Legal aid organizations can help you navigate U visas, VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) petitions, and restraining orders. These services are critical for domestic violence survivors who may fear deportation or lack legal documentation, and they can provide avenues to obtain legal status and protection from their abusers. It’s essential to know that no matter where you are from, in the United States of America, you have the right to protection.

Culturally Sensitive Support: There are organizations tailored to support survivors from diverse cultural backgrounds, including Latin American communities. These groups understand the unique challenges faced by Latin American survivors, such as language limitations, immigration concerns, and cultural stigmas surrounding domestic violence. 

Bilingual Advocates: Don’t let language be a barrier. Crisis hotlines, shelters, and legal consultations are available in Spanish to ensure you’re fully informed and empowered. Culturally astute counselors can provide emotional support, trauma-informed therapy, and assistance in navigating complex legal and immigration systems.

Community Outreach Programs: Community outreach programs work tirelessly to connect with Latin American neighborhoods and communities to raise awareness about domestic violence and available programs. These programs often include educational workshops, support groups, and outreach events in collaboration with local community leaders and organizations.

Consulates and Embassies: Latin American consulates and embassies are valuable resources.  They provide consular assistance, legal guidance, and referrals to local support services. Collaborating with these diplomatic institutions can enhance access to culturally sensitive support for Latin American survivors living in Connecticut.

You Have the Power to Reclaim Your Life

You can ensure your future is protected with the help of your community. Connecticut supports domestic violence victims through multiple statutory regulations, as well as through educational, proactive, and transformative programs. Here are some valuable resources to keep on hand:

Office of Victim Services

Mon – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM  |  225 Spring St, Wethersfield, CT 06109  |  +1-800-247-8035

The Office of Victim Services understands the emotional and financial impacts of domestic violence and provides a range of programs and services to guide you through the criminal justice process.

Victim Compensation Program

Call 1-888-286-7347 or email

Financial assistance may be available to victims, their families, and others for crime-related expenses not covered by insurance or other financial resources. 

Victim Notification Program, (OVS Notifications)

You may also call the OVS Helpline at 1-800-822-8428.

This program provides updates on criminal court cases, inmate sentence requests, sex offender registration, custody status, parole and pardon requests, and order of protection updates. 

Victim Advocacy Program, (OVS Advocates)

For more information about OVS victim services advocates and the community advocates funded by OVS, please call the OVS Helpline at 1-800-822-8428.

Supports victims and their families during court proceedings, pardons, parole process, and civil protection order applications.

Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners Program, (SAFE)

This program provides medical-forensic examinations and compassionate care to victims who seek medical attention at participating healthcare facilities within 120 hours of the assault. SAFE Program services are free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

The Address Confidentiality Program

Specifically designed for recently relocated victims whose new location is unknown to their abuser or not documented in government records, this program offers comprehensive services to help domestic violence victims safeguard their privacy.  It includes a wide range of services to its participants, including a substitute address for use in place of their actual address and a mail forwarding service.

OVS Helpline

Call +1-800-822-8428 or email

Help with victim rights, referrals, and justice processes. Helpline staff is available by phone or email Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Take the Next Step 

You are worthy. This isn’t your fault. You deserve to feel safe and loved. Take a deep breath. There’s hope for a life free from violence.

Request a consultation with The Maddox Law Firm today. We have fluent Spanish-speaking attorneys and team members who are ready to help. During your Strategy Planning Meeting, we will discuss your situation and determine the best path forward for you. Our team is dedicated to empowering survivors like you to navigate the legal system with confidence and dignity.