Domestic violence incidents could involve a brutal physical confrontation. Bruises and marks on the victim may leave a jury having no sympathy for the accused assailant. […]
Car accident injuries can run the spectrum of severity. While some victims are fortunate to walk away from their wreck with nothing more than bumps, bruises, […]
Connecticut gun laws are meant to protect anyone, resident of the state or not. Breaking any gun rules and regulations can land you in serious trouble. […]
Wrongful death legal resources can provide protections to family members after a loved one has been killed in a car accident. While personal injury legal protections […]
A witness could provide testimonial evidence capable of swaying a jury toward a guilty verdict. However, not all witnesses are credible and a thorough cross-examination might […]
Persons accused of criminal violations in Connecticut could face multiple felony charges and significant prison time. Defendants concerned about the jury returning with a guilty verdict […]