The Top 5 Reasons Companies Don’t Want You To Hire The Connecticut Auto Accident Law Group

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By Matthew Maddox / February 19, 2020

This may hurt your feelings, but it’s important that we’re honest with each other.

Insurance companies don’t care about you.

They don’t care about your serious Connecticut car accident or the physical and emotional pain that you’ve endured.

They DO care when you retain The Maddox Law Firm, LLC.

Here are the 5 reasons why they don’t want you to hire us, starting with #5

5. Hiring The Maddox Law Firm, LLC undermines their isolation strategy. When you’re all alone, without an attorney, your case is managed by a claims person who is trained to act sweetly and mimic someone who has compassion. When you’re unrepresented, you’re easier prey – easier for extracting information and easier to control.

4. Hiring The Maddox Law Firm, LLC means that you won’t be signing authorizations to allow the insurance company to collect your healthcare information. So, they won’t be able to invade your privacy and use your medical records against you.

3. Hiring The Maddox Law Firm, LLC means that the insurance company won’t be able to limit what you know about claims management and the value of your claim. Limiting your information is an important part of their isolation strategy.

2. Hiring The Maddox Law Firm, LLC means that the insurance company has to involve more employees in the management of your claim – this complicates administration and requires more time.

1. And the #1 reason why insurance companies don’t want you to hire The Maddox Law Firm, LLC is because we cost them a lot more money.

Insurance companies track law firm performance, including how often firms put their clients’ cases in suit and how long they fight. The Maddox Law Firm, LLC statistics in those categories are very discouraging to insurance companies – because we fight long and hard for what our clients deserve.

What insurance companies DO care about is money – holding on to as much of it as they can for as long as they can.

That’s why they don’t like The Maddox Law Firm, LLC. And that’s why our clients do.