Criminal Defense: Business Owner Charged with Larceny

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By Matthew Maddox / July 19, 2019

Connecticut consumers expect businesses to fulfill the services for which they are paid. However, as most business owners, especially building contractors know, unexpected situations can make it hard to meet deadlines. In some cases, a business owner might even be accused of abandoning a project altogether and fraudulent failing to pay back money.

These situations call for a strong, experienced Connecticut criminal defense.

A recent example is that of a 49-year-old man, a pool company owner, who is currently facing multiple charges, including one for second-degree larceny. The company was apparently contracted to build a pool for a customer back in March, 2018.

At the start of the project, a $25,000.00 deposit was reportedly made. There was no written contract, and instead the owner and customer reportedly had a verbal agreement to draft one along with a full quote as soon as the customer secured the necessary permits.

The owner deposited the check in July 2018 after the permits were apparently acquired, but in what may have been a violation of the Connecticut Home Improvement Contractors Act, no contract was produced by the company owner.

The company removed several sections of fencing from the customer’s backyard and also excavated a hole for the pool.

According to the customer, the company did not complete any additional work and contact between the two ceased at the end of November, 2018. The customer went to police in January, 2019 and made a larceny report regarding the incident.

After meeting with police, the company owner allegedly agreed to send an invoice and to refund the deposit. A warrant was issued in May, 2019 after he allegedly failed to fulfill these obligations, and he later turned himself in.

The company owner is currently out of police custody on a $50,000 bond. The charges he is facing — including failure to furnish the contract — can be especially problematic for Connecticut business owners and Connecticut home improvement contractors who hope to continue with regular operations in the future.

The circumstances that give rise to customer complaints to police can cause a business owner a great deal of worry for their business, their family and their reputation.   However, an experienced Connecticut criminal defense lawyer will be able to explain applicable Connecticut law and create a strategy for the accused business owner to move forward in every sense.

If you are a Connecticut business owner subject to allegations or police investigation, contact the trial lawyers and professional support staff at [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″]. We provide powerful, relentless advocacy to individuals and businesses in Fairfield County and throughout the State of Connecticut.